Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A cat sprayed on my favorite leather boots. How do I clean them? Can i used soap and water?

lmao. Try tomato juice, that is what they us for skunk spray. lol

A cat sprayed on my favorite leather boots. How do I clean them? Can i used soap and water?
Don%26#039;t clean. Just buy a new one.

Please don%26#039;t buy leather. Buy something that resembles it. I forgot the name of such a material. I think it%26#039;s called rexin or something. Buy that it%26#039;s environment friendly
Reply:This happened to my husbands leather jacket..we brought it to the dry cleaners and they shipped it to a special leather cleaner facility that specialized in cleaning tough stains/odors. It came back a couple of weeks later, and it was fine, I don%26#039;t know if they clean boots, but it wouldn%26#039;t hurt to ask..
Reply:Clean them with naphtha( bit by bit %26#039;till clean not wash out!).

or use chlorine( the same goes for it)
Reply:First off NEVER put strong chemicals on leather. Especially Chlorine!!!

You can use Saddle soap and Water to clean the boots, but use a rag to wipe them DO NOT PUT LEATHER IN WATER. and clean both boots at the same time so any color change will be consistent.

Any good shoe store is going to have saddle soap and the appropriate polish for leather boots.

if there is still an Oder you can use a little lemon juice to get that out. Just dab it on and let it dry and wipe it off wit a damp cloth.

After the boots are dry get a good polish and polish them really well and they should be fine.
Reply:Um, soap and water definitely wouldn%26#039;t cut it. In fact, I don%26#039;t know of anything that would, although you could try some of those new enzyme cleaners, but that might hurt the leather. Unfortunately, you%26#039;d probably be better off just buying a new pair of boots, as painful as it sounds.
Reply:Make the damn cat lick it up.
Reply:I dont think soap would be a good idea it would dry out the leather and make it crack.

Hotel Silvota

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